Stellwagen Game
Welcome to the Stellwagen Eco-Cycle Game!
The game is a simplified cyclical representation of the complex food web of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Our research indicates that the sand lance forage fish provides a critical link between the base of the food web, plankton, and upper trophic level predators, such as seabirds and whales. The purpose of the game is to raise awareness about the vulnerability of the Stellwagen Bank ecosystem to human impacts.
Press play to start the game using the current status of sand lance, great shearwaters, humpback whales, and plankton.
Then, select any human impact button and press play to learn how your choice affects the animals in the "eco-cycle."
Listen closely to hear whether the impact had a positive or negative effect as reflected in changes in the melodic line, orchestration and volume of the music.